Part II Tuesday 14 July 15:25-15:40 SPIRou: SpectroPolarimétre InfraRouge (CFHT) Isabelle Boisse (LAM/Pythéas/AMU, France) SPIRou is a near-IR echelle spectropolarimeter and high-precision velocimeter under construction as a next-generation instrument for the Canada-France- Hawaii Telescope. It is designed to cover a very wide simultaneous near-IR spectral range (0.98-2.35 mum) at a resolving power of 73,500, providing unpolarized and polarized spectra of low-mass stars at a radial velocity precision of 1 m/s. The main science goals of SPIRou are the detection of habitable super-Earths around low-mass stars and the study of stellar magnetism of star at the early stages of their formation. Following a successful final design review in Spring 2014, SPIRou is now under construction and is scheduled to see first light in late 2017. We present an overview of key aspects of SPIRou's optical and mechanical design.