Meetings pictures
Granada (3rd CMT face-to-face) (10-11 Feb 2015; by J. A. Caballero)
- Eike, Walter and Pedro (thoughtful)
- Ignasi and budget on screen
- Ansgar and project schedule on screen (both!)
- Working project schedule
- Everybody watchful (left and centre)
- Everybody watchful (centre and right)
- Tapas (except for Ansgar)
- CARMENES musical (Arturo Muñoz, Antonio Arias and Daniel Guirado in the darkness)
- Queue for entering the IAA clean room
- Andreas, Eike and Ignasi
Barcelona (3rd science and 6th technical) (14-17 Oct 2014; by J. A. Caballero)
- A very pretty picture in front of Edifici Nexus
- Same as before, but many of us with the eyes closed
- "Look for the girl with the Sun in her eyes..."
- "... and she's gone!"
- Smiling scientists 1
- Smiling scientists 2
- Blackboard 1
- Blackboard 2
Barcelona (5th technical) (12-14 Feb 2014; by J. A. Caballero)
Göttingen (2nd science) (14-18 Oct 201; by J. A. Caballero)
- Science meeting. I
- Science meeting. II
- Calibration meeting
- At the dinner: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
- The Death Egg
Heidelberg (3rd technical) (21-24 May 2013, Königstuhl; by J.

FDR (19-22 Feb 2013, Granada and Calar Alto; by J. Winkler, M. Pluto and
D. Montes)
Madrid (8th) (26-29 Nov 2012; by D. Montes, M. Pluto and J. Winkler)
- In the Sala de Juntas, before sessions: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete
- In the Sala de Juntas, during main sessions: Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Fünf, Sechs, Sieben
- Coffee (and lunch) breaks: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
- Breathing fresh air outside: un, deux, trois, quatre
- 24+1 of us (with iPhone)
- Stefan (with tanks)
- A few of us (with iPhone)
- David G. (with the guardian angel)
- David G. (with coudé room)
- Pedro (with exposure meters)
- Ignasi (with science plan)
- Josep (with scheduler)
- José (talking to walls)
- Julio (thoughtful)
Heidelberg (7th) (23-25 Jul 2012, Königstuhl and Das Boothaus; by J.
Winkler and D. Montes)
- The right wing (curiosity killed the cat): 01, 04, 10, 12
- The left wing (teletransportation, deja vù and the winners): 02, 03, 11, 13
- Audience: 05, 06, 07, 08, 09
- The stands (and apple): 14
- Im Boothaus: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
- First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin, Kiev... and Königstuhl!: 21, 22, 23
Heidelberg (6th) (02-04 May 2012, Königstuhl and Krokodil; by M. Pluto
and J. Winkler)
[For Star Wars fans]
- Ewoks go to the battle of Endor
- Devising a plan for the destruction of the new Death Star
- Breakfast at uncle Owen and aunt Beru's home
- "You've never heard of the Schmdit? It's the telescope that did the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs"
- "The CARMENES Consortium. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"
- "Boring conversation anyway. Luke, we're gonna have company!"
- "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
- "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you're constructing. The ability to find a planet is insignificant next to the potential of the NOT"
- Mos Eisley Cantina (Ponda Baba et al.)
- Mos Eisley Cantina (Greedo et al.)
- Mos Eisley Cantina (Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes)
- Mos Eisley Cantina (The NOT Director shot first)
- Mos Eisley Cantina ("Jose, aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?")
Barcelona (2nd technical) (22-24 Feb 2012; by M. Pluto and J. Winkler)
- "The controllers"
- Listening to the voice of experience
- Laptops
- Pretty decoration
- The youngest CARMENES member
- Fuet, queso y vino
- "The scramblers"
- I don't think so...
- Out of field of view
- Elisa und Mutti
- "The tankers"
- Manuela and Julian, our new signings
Granada (5th) (lunch time, 12-14 Dec 2011; by M. Pluto)
- Andreas stares at the camera
- Dessert was good!
- No pictures, please
- Matthias, Sandra and Ansgar in perspective
- Camarero, la cuenta, por favor
- What are they looking at?
- Having lunch outside in December is good (but with a coat)
- Mmmh, that coffee looks good...
PDR (18-21 Jul 2011, Madrid)
- Review board: Luca's question (by M. Pluto)
- Review board: thoughtful (by D. Montes)
- Consortium: "you passed" I (by M. Pluto)
- Consortium: "you passed" II (by M. Pluto)
- Next meetings: in the blackboard (by D. Montes)
- Next meetings: with CARMENES screen (by D. Montes)
- Project management plan: writing/sleeping in the blackboard (by R. Lenzen)
- Project management plan: discussion (by D. Montes)
Granada-Calar Alto (4th) (30 Nov 2010, Calar Alto; by D. Montes)
More pretty images at David Montes' Picasa album