Sebastia Barcelo-Forteza Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA) The envelope of the power spectra of over a thousand delta Scuti stars Thanks to the scaling relations, it is possible to estimate the structural parameters for thousands of solar-type oscillating stars. Our aim is to characterize delta Scuti stars with a few seismic indices as has been done for solar-type pulsators. Analysing several hundreds of this classical pulsators observed with CoRoT and Kepler, we present an empiric relation between their frequency at maximum power of their oscillation spectra and their mean effective temperature. Therefore, knowing a power spectral characteristic we can directly obtain an intrinsic stellar parameter, independent of rotation and the point of view of the observer. In addition, the residuals are compatible with they being caused by the gravity-darkening effect, allowing us to delimit both rotation and inclination from the line of sight, especially for extreme rotators. Now, CARMENES could play a key role to prove our findings.