Research on schedulers for astronomical observatories Colomé, Josep Colomer, Pau Campreciós, Jordi Coffard, Thierry Guŕrdia, Josep Martínez, Francesc Ribas, Ignasi Rodler, Florian Paper 8451-59 of Conference 8448 Date: Thursday, 05 July 2012 Poster The main task of a scheduler applied to astronomical observatories is the time optimization and the maximization of the scientific return. Scheduling of observations is an example of the classical task allocation problem known as the job-shop problem (JSP) or the flexible-JSP (fJSP). In most cases various mathematical algorithms are usually considered to solve the planning system. We present an analysis of the task allocation problem and the solutions currently in use at different astronomical facilities. We also describe the schedulers for three different projects (TJO, CARMENES and CTA) where the conclusions of this analysis are applied in their development.