Pathways 2015 SatMeet4 Habitable planets, M dwarfs and NIR spectrographs Instructions to speakers: * There will be three sessions on Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 July * The location of the three sessions will be the lecture room 205 (90 pax - Main Building of the University of Bern, East wing, 2nd floor) * The convenors of the satellite meeting are Jose A. Caballero (chair*), Suvrath Mahadevan and Ravi K. Kopparapu * On the first session on Monday, our satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the satellite meeting "Validation and compilation of Kepler habitable zone candidates" (SatMeet5; convenors: Nader Haghighipour, Stephen R. Kane, Ravi K. Kopparapu) * The most important instruction is this one: PLEASE FIT TO THE GIVEN TIME. Most of you are awarded with short talks of 15 min. The chair suggests that you prepare a talk of 12-13 min, which would give time to a couple of quick questions and answers before the start of the following talk. The chair will very strict with the speakers' use of their time. The programme is available at the satellite meeting website * All presentations will be collected in advance by the chair and put in his laptop (Mac), which will be the only one connected to the projector. Recommended formats are pdf and ppt(x). Avoid keynote or OpenOffice formats. After the meeting, all presentations will be made public at the satellite meeting website. If needed, you can make two versions of your presentation, one to be shown in Bern, the other one to be downloadable from the website * The convenors expect a "review" style for the scientific talks (i.e., do not speak only on your work - do mention what others have done), while the technical talks should be as comprehensive as possible, but taking into account the time restriction and that there will be no experts in the audience (e.g., explain why your spectrograph is unique with respect to others). Please look at what other speakers will probably talk about before and after you - You are kindly invited to contact other speakers and look for synergies in advance (the e-mail addresses of all speakers and convenors are available at the website). The chair may send individualised e-mails to speakers, with particular suggestions. * On Friday (last day of Pathways 2015), there will be a 15-min "feedback" talk given by the chair of every satellite meeting, including ours. As a result, the chair may ask you for some input for his talk. If eventually there is a proceeding resulting from this satellite meeting, of course ALL OF YOU will be coauthors of it. Stay tuned * Please tell your colleagues to come to our satellite meeting. Thanks to all for your interest and willingness to participate in this exciting satellite meeting. And last, but not least, enjoy and learn as much as possible! (*: the chair of convenors, Jose Caballero, /XO-se ka-ba-JE-ro/, is a typical-Spanish guy: dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes. He will wear shorts and some fancy t-shirt for easy recognition)