![]() |
2016 • Science survey start (January), Final acceptance (June...) |
2015 • Front-end commissionning in Calar Alto (April-June), First light and commissioning of VIS spectrograph (October), First light and commissioning of NIR spectrograph (November), Science commissioning (November-December), Preliminary acceptance at Calar Alto (December) | |
2014 • NIR and VIS calibration units acceptance in Tautenburg (June) and opto-mechanics manufacture, assembly, integration and verification | |
2013 • CARMENES Final Design Review in Granada (February) and optics and detector purchase | |
2012 • CARMENES Optics Final Design Review (April) | |
2011 • Agreement for the CARMENES instrument for Calar Alto (February), CARMENES Preliminary Design Review in Madrid (July) | |
2010 • Calar Alto green light (May), CARMENES post-Conceptual Design Review in Granada (July), Phase-B Kick-off Meeting in Granada (December) | |
2009 • Calar Alto design studies decision (January), Phase-A Kick-off Meeting in Heidelberg and project start (February), CARMENES+XMS Conceptual Design Review in Granada (October) | |
2008 • Call for letters of intent for the construction of the next generation instrument for CAHA 3.5m telescope (March), Calar Alto instrumentation Workshop in Granada (June), Proposal for a High-Resolution Near-Infrared and Optical Spectrograph for Calar Alto (December) |
2016 ↑
10 Jan 2015: CARMENES in La Vanguardia
08 Jan 2015: CARMENES in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
05 Jan 2015: CARMENES in El Séptimo Cielo
01-13 Jan 2016: First GTO science survey run
- * Sunrise at 2138 m after a long, long night
- lalande, barnard, gliese and jahreiss
- lacaille, kapteyn, luyten and the Adrian and Jose's laptops
- More later...
2015 ↑
22 Dec 2015: article on CARMENES by Pedro J. Amado in the 2015-2015
winter "Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía"
21 Dec 2015: press release outcome (CARMENES with Brazilian-Portuguese accent)
- En español: Cadena SER, Europapress, Madri+d, Naukas, La Vanguardia, Yahoo! noticias, El Mundo Almería, EFE Futuro Barcelona, El Ideal, Canarias 24 horas, Innova Spain, DiCyT, NCyT, 100tek, RCN Radio, El Economista, Andalucía al día, 8andalucía, Discapnet, RCN Radio, Suma Diario, Novaciencia...
- Auf Deutsch: Spektrum.de pro-physik, Measurement Valley, idw (Uni-GÖ), idw (Uni-HD)...
- Worldwide: * Carcará Café (Brasil) [YouTube video], Terra (Brasil), El Deber (Bolivia), La Capital (Argentina), El Comercio (Perú), elsalvador.com (El Salvador)...
- With a special mention for: foros.astroseti.org
17 Dec 2015: coordinated first-light PRESS RELEASE
- CARMENES Consortium: English, español, Deutsch, català, Français, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Esperanto, Klingon, Elvish
- CAHA (MPG-CSIC): English, español
- CSIC: español
- MPIA (MPG): Deutsch, English
- ZAH/LSW: Deutsch, English
- Uni-HD/LSW: Deutsch
- ICE (IEEC-CSIC): English, español, català
- IAG: Deutsch, English
- UCM: español
- TLS: Deutsch
- IAC: English, español
- CAB: español
- High-resolution images: Calar Alto observatory, 3.5m telescope, NIR opto-mechanics, NIR vacuum tank, raw VIS spectrum, Luyten's star and VIS Fabry-Pérot spectra, * extracted stellar spectrum
10 Dec 2015: CARMENES at Calar Alto Observatory (languages: kr, jp)
01 Dec 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- December 2015 (pdf)
15 Nov 2015: CARMENES at Calar Alto Observatory by Historias de Luz (languages: es, en, de, fr, cn)
01 Nov 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- November 2015 (pdf)
21 Oct 2015: José A. Caballero's talk at the Instituto de
Astrofísica de Canarias: "First light of CARMENES, the
Calar Alto exoplanet hunter"
- PPT file of talk (>160 slides, 150 MB)
- * "Listo para contar cosas sobre CARMENES"
- "Gracias por la charla"
- "Aguantando el chaparrón"
15 Oct 2015: Commissioning of the CARMENES optical spectrograph (VIS
- * The bluest quarter of a raw optical spectrum of V388 Cas (Wolf 47, M5 V flare, V = 13.66 mag). Exposure time of 790 s, no simultaneous wavelength calibration, high humidity close to maximum limit. Note the Hα line in emission (the bright spot close to the centre), cosmic rays, double slicing and the molecular absorption bands (including telluric)
01 Oct 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- October 2015 (pdf)
22 Sep 2015: José A. Caballero's talk at the Centro de
Astrobiología, Torrejón de Ardoz: "First light of CARMENES, the
Calar Alto exoplanet hunter"
- PPT file of talk (>150 slides, 159 MB)
16 Sep 2015: Fifth NIR channel cryo-vacuum cycle (CVC5)
- * Flat field image of the two units of the NIR detector (Tom and Jerry)
- Fibre shaker close to the VIS vacuum tank (between Cleanroom Pneumatic Vibration Isolators)
- Final coudé room drawing (with some optical fibres paths)
02-03 Sep 2015: VIS channel re-integration
- Optical bench and échelle grating in coudé room clean tent
- Crane, optical bench, support and people around
- * Manuel Pineda, Walter, Jens and Miguelán at work
- From outside the clean tent with Santiago Reinhart
- Installing lower part of radiation shield
- Optical bench with major optical components
- Collimator mirror, fibre entrance unit, échelle grating, camera and detector cryostat
- Another view from outside
- Optical bench with top part of radiation shield
01-04 Sep 2015: VIS calibration unit (and F-P etalon) re-integration
- "Which box do we unpack first?"
- "Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go..."
- Johannes Winkler choose this box...
- ...the most fragile one (with the VIS CU optical bench)
- Jörg Schiller choose the VIS CU support
- The calibration room before starting assemblying
- Jörg and Michael Pluto unpacking in the technical corridor
- Jörg and Michael installing the VIS CU electronics
- Michael installing the lamps
- Jörg connecting the VIS CU to the observatory ethernet network
- Optical bench before installing all the opto-mechanics
- Jens Helmling and Sebastian Schäfer installing the Fabry-Pérot etalons
- Michael and (frantic) Sebastian at work
- "La tuya es amarilla, la mía de to'os los colores"
- Happy Johannes and Sebastian close to finish their job
- Nice sunset ("It's been a hard day's night, and I'd been working like a dog")
- Nice sunrise ("Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, And looking up I noticed I was late...")
- Johannes, Eike Guenther and Jörg aligning the lamps
- "Is it my imagination, or is it getting crowded in here?"
- Third day ("Make that three hard boiled eggs")
- Mrs. Claypool opens the door and all of the foregoing tumble out into the hallway
- Johannes and a photocentroid
- Johannes and a photographer
- Sunny lunch time at the terrace!
- Optical bench after installing all the opto-mechanics
- The final VIS CU (NAME?)
- * Eike, Johannes, Michael and Jörg
- Jörg, Michael, Eike and Johannes (Tautenburgers I)
- The VIS CU and the Fabry-Pérot etalons (Tautenburgers II)
- And the supermaster lamp storage neon tank
01 Sep 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- September 2015 (pdf)
17 Aug 2015: Arrival of the VIS channel opto-mechanics and calibration
13 Aug 2015: VIS spectrograph on its way to CAHA
- "Boxes loading"
- "More boxes loading"
- "Optical bench loading"
- * "Optical bench loaded"
- "All loaded, Part a"
- "All loaded, Part b"
10 Aug 2015: CVC4 (fourth cryo-vacuum cycle) of the NIR channel at IAA
- * CVC4 in progress, with the cooling unit and detector cryostat pump in foreground
- Panoramic view of all participants (but Ana, behind the camera)
02 Aug 2015: Third front-end commissioning run (Josep Guàrdia and
Francesc Vilardell)
31 Jul 2015: One of the first real images with cooled NIR channel at IAA
and all opto-mechanical components in place
- * Real NIR spectra on Tom (halogen + U-Ne lamps)
09 Jul 2015: cleaning of the VIS vacuum tank
- * Gerardo preparing the radiation shield rails
- Lower part of radiation shield
- Radiation shield being put inside the vacuum tank
- Technical corridor: a vacuum pre-pump, main liquid-nitrogen tanks, a crane, a stepladder, the window of the VIS climatic chamber and the VIS rack with the interlocks system
- VIS vacuum tank with installed vacuum system and pneumatic legs
- Closer view
09 Jul 2015:
Expresion of interest to host Marie Curie Fellows interested
in our exoplanet search project with CARMENES (at IAA)
The objective of the call MSCA Individual Fellows is to enhance
the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers
who wish to diversify their individual competence in terms of
skill acquisition through advanced training, international and
inter-sectorial mobility. Individual Fellowships provide
opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work
on research in a European context or outside Europe. This scheme
also supports the return and reintegration of researchers from
outside Europe who have previously worked here. It also develops
or helps to restart the careers of individual researchers that
show great potential, considering their experience.
06 Jul 2015: VIS vacuum tank arrives Calar Alto
- * Wrapped vacuum tank inside its climatic chamber
- ALL 120 IMAGES (by Marco Azzaro)
02 Jul 2015: VIS vacuum tank departs from Königstuhl
- * Wrapped vacuum tank on its truck, together with the radiation shield, pumps... ready to leave
01 Jul 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- July-August 2015 (pdf)
23-28 Jun 2015: Front-end commissioning, second run (FE-COM#0.2)
- Front-end and fibres (including the "PMAS rotator incident"): Our front-end below the Cassegrain focus, Optical fibres in correct position, Visual inspection, * Julian phones Walter while Hans checks kapton, The most affected part, New tape for filling the gaps between panels, Remember to take the cover out first, Our fibres hanging from the M1 support, Front-end from below (with pick-up mirror moved outside the PMAS light path), Attached PMAS, Impact of the accident on the PMAS cooling pipes, Right front-end orientation, Front-end electronics and power plugs, Closer view to front-end PDU, Front-end electronics and connectors, PMAS electronics
- While observing: First preliminary ICS-modified fits header, Hans' switchable devices, * A&G quality monitoriting (guiding root-mean-square = 0.1 arcsec)
- Calibration room and technical area: Fabry-Pérot etalons optical bench, Super-master lamp storage tank, Blue box with green cables, Temperature sensor, Vacuum tank transportation tools
- Fibres tests: NIR calibration fibres, Detector: front, Detector: back, Once finished, Closer view
- Spares in the storage room: Support, CCD eng, CalUnits docs, Front-end small tools, A&G computer, detector and manual, Cosas de colores, Black pipe, CCD LICA mechanics, CCD LICA mechanics, Tanque limpiador, Cosas naranjas, Cosas naranjas, Oxygen (nitrogen) sensor
- kapteyn and lacaille (VIS and NIR pipeline GUI computers): The two of them, kapteyn, lacaille
- Dinner time: Microwave-heated balloon, A magic tangerine peel that makes Julian laugh out loud..., ...and Hans, too
- Miscellanea: Jose passes on 23 June by the airport for picking Julian up, * A herd of goats on 24 June near the 3.5m dome
12 Jun 2015: Fabry-Pérot etalons optical bench at Calar Alto
09 Jun 2015: 4th face-to-face CARMENES Core Management Team at UCM,
01 Jun 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- Jun 2015 (pdf)
20 May 2015: Fabry-Pérot etalons optical bench at Calar Alto
- * Newport optical bench inside its wooden box
- Plastic pipes
18 May 2015: fully-assembled NIR optical bench during AIV phase at IAA
- * "Visual report on the progress of the NIR channel" (by Pedro J. Amado)
14 May 2015: NIR and VIS pipeline GUI computers in temporary location
- kapteyn and lacaille...
- * ... near the main computers rack (or is it the Space Odyssey monolith?)
07 May 2015: CARMENES for the UCM students of the Master of Astrophysics
01 May 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- May 2015 (pdf)
30 Apr-03 May 2015: Front-end commissioning, first run (FE-COM#0.1)
- 3.5m SOR: * Observers on the second night, Photometric quality in an astrometric field, * Saturn, Guiding
- Super-master-lamp-storage tank (aka "superdumper"): The whole system, From above, 10 mbar (= 10 hPa), Manual, Neon bottle, * 10 mbar two days later, (Very) close view
- Julian in the coudé room: Device for measuring flux at the end of the optical fibres, Laptop screen, Sad, Very sad, Tomb, Phantom. I, Phantom. II, Phantom. III, Julian pushes the Hans' wheel table, "Bis nächste Mal!" (VIDEO)
- CARMENES storage room: Authorized access only, A peculiar desk, Boxes on a table, "Tanque limpiador ultrasónico" and other issues Cabinet with the first spare pieces, giclas (agcomp) spare and front-end spare electronics (including A&G CCD), Close view, Plus manuals and front-end spare opto-mechanics,
- Miscellanea: * Andreas and Walter in the VIS chamber. I, Andreas and Walter in the VIS chamber. II, Bad news, TFT LCD in the machine room, Netzwerkverbindungsdetails, Calar Alto gym, The monolith, Red door to another red door, Carl Zeiss' room (Back to the future: 1985), Projekt-Struktur-Plan 5 (Back to the future: 1978)
29 Apr 2015: Installation of front-end at the 3.5m Cassegrain focus and
first night-sky image with the A&G system
- CAHA staff at work: Removing the old front-end, Bringing the new front-end in a chart from the laboratory, The orange chart, Maneuvering, Before lifting test, Cassegrain focus ring from below, Lifting and aligning test, A la izquierda, a la derecha... (first part) (VIDEO)
- Julian, Walter and Gerardo at work: Checking opto-mechanics, Preparing tubes, Installing fibres, Atmospheric dispersion corrector, Removing pick-up mirror cover, Fibre ends and feedtrough nut, * Last cleaning. I, Last cleaning. II, Sparkling clean, Jose before putting his dirty finger on all optical surfaces while nobody watches him...
- All at work: Caution with the heads!, A la izquierda, a la derecha... (second part) (VIDEO), That's all, folks!, * Front-end as seen from below, Close view of the fibre nuts, PMAS on its chart, * Making the last adjustments (with two-tonne PMAS attached below), Front-end and PMAS below from the Cassegrain focus ring, CARMENES lift off, PMAS attached to the front-end, First telescope moving tests (successful), CARMENES adhesive labels, Ready to start observing
- In the control room: "First CARMENES image" (a bias pic with the acquisition and guiding CCD), "Second CARMENES image" (a defocused pic of a random bright star), * "Third CARMENES image" (a focused pic of BD+24 2733AB and a background star), The science fibre hole
- Miscellanea: ECOFRED machinery for the NIR chamber in the coudé room, Enrique de Juan taking pictures. I, Enrique de Juan taking pictures. II, The Walter's camera on its tripod, Der Exoplanetjáger CARMENES (next month in Sterne und Weltraum), Old Unix Ultra T35 (and dat tape drive)
27-28 Apr 2015: front-end re-assembly, integration and installation, and
fibres deployment
- Computers and network: 3.5m SOR (Sala de Observación Remota) before final arrangement, Preparing luyten in the library, Rack switch lights, Framed Hans, Ethernet plug in coudé room
- Front-end: Pick-up mirror and ADC, ADC and beamsplitter, Calibration mirrors, Fibre connectors. I, Fibre connectors. II, Electronics box. I, Electronics box. II, Spare controller card, giclas (cirrus7 agcomp): front, giclas (cirrus7 agcomp): rear, Front-end pick-up mirror (video), Walter and Gerardo making tests, Test image in Hans' laptop, Test image in Julian's laptop, Another test image in Julian's laptop, A&G CCD, Electronic box lights,
- Fibre routing: Aim from one side, Aim from the other side, Extend fibres, Use the guide, Be careful with the heads, Label every fibre, Remove kapton, Check clamps, Roll up tubes before going to bed, Work inside the 3.5m mount (Juanfran), Do not touch, Feel like in a submarine. I, Feel like in a submarine. II, Play hide-and-seek, Pose (Jose), Put colour adhesive tape (NIR = green+yellow, VIS = blue, VIS CAL = white, NIR CAL = brown), Follow the fibre tubes through the declination axis, Check that the petals do not hit the tubes, Keep following them, (Inside the telescope mount), The fibres are long, seven miles, Go on following them, Never forget the colour code, Fix the tubes, Handle with care, A lot of cables, Prepare a fibre elbow route plate, Attach the fibres to the plate, Check that the fibre tubes move freely, Make a hole from the coudé pit to the coudé room, Put the tubes through the hole, Fix the tubes to the wall, Check the other side, Add some protection, Do not get mixed with other tubes, Do not break your clothes with the burrs, Follow the fibre tubes to the coudé room, Store them, * And, always, smile (Gerardo)
- Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional: * "Una manera de hacer Europa", Outdoor, Indoor
- Timelapses with mobile phone (Playground): Ropes course, Crawl tube (00:02), Swing, Carousel
- CAB-CSIC adhesive labels (etiquetas de inventariable): Rack (*825), Switch (*824), Switch (bis)
- Miscellanea: Box with NIR test fibres, The car that brought the box, Mistol in the old 3.5m control room
23 Apr 2015: Front-end in the 3.5m laboratory
- * Front-end with electronics box on red standard support
- Same as above
- Same as above, but with many colourful screwdrivers in cardboard box
- Opto-mechanics: general view inside
- Copper connectors of A&G CCD camera (foreground)
- Second lens of the atmospheric dispersion corrector and A&G camera optics
- ADC#2 and part of the aluminium test trunk
- Closer view to A&G camera optics, ADC#2 wheel and electronics connectors
- Julian and Gerardo checking fibres alignment
21-22 Apr 2015: Jose's visit to Landessternwarte Königstuhl Heidelberg
(sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)
- Walter Seifert departs at 07:00 to Calar Alto in a two-day trip with the FrontEnd opto-mechanics inside the LSW van: Opening door, Closer view, Rear door open, * Ready to leave, Aufwiedersehen
- VIS vacuum tank at MPIA: Karl Wagner (right), ... (MPIA, left) and ... (LSW, centre), ... and ... opening the rear door, Heavy door, A Spartan shield, Feedtroughs, Inside the tank, Inner optical bench support, * Inside the event horizon, Ready for vacuumtightness. I, Ready for vacuumtightness. II, Optical bench extraction support, Wheel on rails, Radiation shield pieces, More pieces, Interlocks system and valve handling, MPIA telescope simulator without the front-end
- VIS detector and cryostat at LSW: Cryostat, electronics and pump, Valves, Reflections on the CCD: * Otmar Stahl, Detector cover, A dog,
- VIS opto-mechanics at LSW: Collimator mirror on optical bench..., ...and the camera and the échelle grating, Fibre exit unit from above, Gap between cross disperser and camera first lens,
- VIS fibre shaker at LSW: Frame, Two motors and GUDEs,
- Königstuhl: Sunset from a balcony, Mixed forest
21 Apr 2015: NIR rack cabinet
- Front during assembly (exposure meter, NIR main and space computers and space for interlocks, from top to bottom)
- * Closer view of the ExpMeter electronics and main and spare ross
- Rear during assembly
- Cover with CARMENES logo
- Detector cryostat electronics in temporary rack (between NIR CalUnit -left- and detector cryostat -right-)
- The latest sketch (13 May 2015)
17 Apr 2015: NIR detector and continuous-flow cryostat departs from
- * Big wooden box on a truck on its way to Granada
14 Apr 2015: NIR detector and continuous-flow cryostat ready for
01 Apr 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- April 2015 (pdf)
27 Mar 2015: rehearsal of the CARMENES soundtrack in Sala El Sol, Madrid
- * JJ Machuca (Lori Meyers; key boards), Floren (Los Planetas; lead guitar), Antonio Arias (Lagartija Nick; voice and bass guitar), Carlos Gracia (El Hombre Lento; drums), Miguel López (Lori Meyers; guitar), from left to right
- Now starring Soleá Morente (Los Evangelistas)
- Video with a piece of our soundtrack (and another funny video in the background)
- CÁRMENES, just before the encores
20 Mar 2015: new NIR-channel real and forward-simulated spectra of
a Fabry-Pérot etalon and a U-Ne hollow-cathode lamp
- A&G: real "flat" image of the acquisition and guiding (A&G) camera, without binning. Sides are 180 arcsec, north is up, east is left. Non-vignetting circular area is larger than 200 arcsec. The optical fibre holes, separated by 88 arcsec, are in the centre north (science) and and centre south (sky - surrounded by an "umbra")
- NIR 1: pictogramme showing the different orientations of the mosaic of two CMOS detectors of the NIR channel: wavelengths (in red, left and right), orders (in red, centre), mechanics reference frame (in blue), fits images (in yellow). Jerry is the "left" detector, "Tom" is the right one. Background image is a forward-simulated image using a real bias image, a U-Ne lamp high-resolution spectrum, and a Phoenix synthetic model of a field M dwarf
- * NIR 2: zoom of a forward-simulated spectrum of the NIR channel (centre of "Tom") showing real line wavelengths and intensities of the IAG Fabry-Pérot etalon (fibre "A", top of order) and U-Ne hollow-cathode lamp (fibre "B", bottom of order) as measured by a Fourier transform spectrograph
17 Mar 2015: Jose's visit to Institut für Astrophysik Göttingen
(sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)
- The NIR and VIS Fabry-Pérot etalons on a temporary optical bench with their pump
- * A closer look
- Vacuum pump
- T-junction and pressure sensor
- Another pressure sensor
- A connector
- Power plugs
- Rainbow Allen (hex) keys on the optical bench
- Computer to see the F-P images
- A halogen lamp and its power unit
- The main part of a dismounted F-P
- A halogen lamp case (yes, like the bulbs at home)
- Patrick Schöfer's screen during FEROS+CAFE spectra analysis ("My God - it's full of lines!")
- One of the two E-ELTs made with LEGO pieces (made by IAG staff!)
12 Mar 2015: a customized "CARMENES" four-port long-cable USB hub
06 Mar 2015: Front-end attached to a telescope simulator at MPIA
- * Front-end being tested. "The alu profile beam on top of the FE is the mount for our projection optics simulating the telescope optical beam as well as a CCD camera to monitor and measure the flexures".
05 Mar 2015: VIS channel electronics at LSW
- Controllers of the continuous-flow cryostat and (partly) of the CCD detector
- Rack with wolf main and spare (black) and exposure-meter electronics (white)
04 Mar 2015: a custom-made steel rack for arranging the plastic curtain strips of the CAHA coudé room clean-shower tent
01 Mar 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- March 2015 (pdf) [and σ Orionis Aa,Ab,B!]
25 Feb 2015: VIS channel initial alignment completed
- * The red alignment laser dot is within 1 mm of the pre-calculated position on the VIS spectrograph detector plane represented by the auxiliary mask seen in the picture, and the alignment is within 1 mm at all optical surfaces through the complete system
25 Feb 2015: CAB-CSIC adhesive labels at CAHA
20 Feb 2015: preparation of CVC1 (first NIR cryo-vacuum cycle) at IAA
- Collimator mirror dummy in its handling cage
- Collimator mirror dummy made of aluminium
- Collimator mirror dummy as seen from the detector cryostat hole in the radiation shield
- Copper thermal links connecting the NIR collimator mirror mount to the optical bench
- Same as above
- * Multi-layer insulation installed
- Optical bench and radiation shield inside the vacuum tank
- A photograph of the photographers
20 Feb 2015: all opto-mechanical elements on VIS optical bench at LSW
- Collimator mirror
- Camera, échelle grating, and red laser (from collimator side; rotated)
- Camera, échelle grating, and red laser going through the collimator (from detector side; rotated)
- Same as above (note the reflected laser point on the right laser's screw)
17 Feb 2015: van Biesbroeck (vb), the GTO data server at CAB-Villafranca
- Front
- Back
- Top (reversed)
- With CAB-CSIC adhesive label (*327)
- Front and label (rotated)
11 Feb 2015:The CARMENES Core Management Team visits the IAA clean
room (by José. A. Caballero and Marisa García-Vargas)
- Panoramic view of the IAA clean room during CMT visit
- * Image 88
- Full NIR vacuum tank, pumping system and N2G preparation unit
- Same as above, different view
- (Almost) same as above, different view
- Three of the six vibration insulators of the NIR vacuum tank
- Vacuum tank feedthroughs for the cooling unit
- N2G preparation unit and two "long tails that end in a stinger-like appendage and allow Cell to absorb other organisms"
- Same as above (" I swear it moved")
- CARMENES sticker on NIR vacuum tank
- NIR vacuum system "lakeshores"
- NIR interlocks system
- * "The Tutankhamun's tomb" (= NIR optical bench and part of the radiation shield)
- Walter and David admiring the NIR optical bench and half of the thermal shield
- NIR optical bench from differente perspectives: above, a side, the same side a corner (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), the collimator end (1, 2, 3), with Marisa, with Walter et al., and with more pople, and more, and one more
- "Through the looking-glass, and what David found there"
- Thermal connectors between the NIR optical bench and the collimator mirror mount
- Same as above, lateral view
- A heat exchanger and N2G pipes of the cooling unit circuit
- Thermal sensors (#7 and #8)
- Detail of the N2G circuit attached to the radiation shield
- Same as above, closer
- NIR optical bench support on rails
- Spirit level of the optical bench support
- Ana and Edu near the optical bench
- Multi-layer insulation in a corner
- Copper tape for thermal connection
- David ready to break the (unbreakable) NIR collimator mount (with an inoffensive tool)
- Back of the NIR collimator mount (made in IAC)
- Drawings of the thermal links of the NIR collimator mount
- Same as above, without people
- (Almost) same as above, without people
- NIR collimator mirror dummy inside its handling cage (with crane)
- Closer view to NIR collimator mirror dummy: CA-SE-SP-3401 and CA-SE-SP-3402
- Closer view to NIR collimator mirror dummy: CA-SE-SP-3403
- A hole in the collimator mirror dummy (for an easier alignment)
- Crane: far
- Crane: close
- NIR rack: back
- NIR rack: Hamamatsu NIR ExpMeter photomultiplier
- NIR rack: ross-main
- "Something is wrong with this tube", by Ana and Edu: (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)
- First group: watching around
- First group: watching carefully
- First group: watching Santi and a feedthrough
- Second group: discussing (from Jose's side)
- Second group: discussing (from Marisa's side)
- Second group: smiling
- Reflected in the window (with test cryostat in foreground)
- The Oscar Selfie (Pedro: co-PI, top left; Ignasi: PS, top centre; Jose: co-PM, right; Ana: SE, bottom centre; Marisa: PM, bottom left)
- Another version of the Oscar Selfie (with Happier Pedro and Ignasi)
- "Abran paso" ("El ingeniero está aquí")
- Santiago Becerril and the vacuum tank
- Santiago Becerril and the optical bench
- Same as above, two seconds later
- Safety Access System 1 (David Galadí)
- Safety Access System 2 (Walter Seifert and Santiago Becerril)
- Protective box of the optical elements on the optical bench of the NIR calibration unit
- "for Cube!" (what is inside this Edmund box?)
- Julian's fibres (three rolls for the NIR CalUnit)
- Plugs of the electronics box of the NIR CalUnit
- NIR CalUnit spares and box with three U-Ne lamps
- Queue for quitting the IAA clean room
- Andreas, Eike and Ignasi
- "Hasta luego, baby"
- "Adiós"
- "Tschüss"
- "See you later, aligator"
- John Philip Sousa's "The Transit of Venus" March (for Jose's Musica universalis)
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Video 3
10 Feb 2015: 3rd CARMENES Core Management Team face-to-face meeting, Granada
- Eike, Walter and Pedro (thoughtful)
- Ignasi and budget on screen
- Ansgar and project schedule on screen (both!)
- Working project schedule
- Everybody watchful (left and centre)
- Everybody watchful (centre and right)
- Tapas (except for Ansgar)
- CARMENES musical (Arturo Muñoz, Antonio Arias and Daniel Guirado in the darkness)
09 Feb 2015: José A. Caballero's visit to Calar Alto
- Driving on snow. I. Just arrived with KITT
- On-line pipeline test with Mathias Zechmeister. I. Skype
- On-line pipeline test with Mathias Zechmeister. II. xpipe and ds9
- On-line pipeline test with Mathias Zechmeister. III. Order 40 of VIS channel
- * On-line pipeline test with Mathias Zechmeister. IV. Orders 40:44 of VIS channel, after correcting blaze angle
- Main rack in the 3.5m computers room. I. Front, closed
- * Main rack in the 3.5m computers room. II. lalande, barnard and gliese
- Main rack in the 3.5m computers room. III. Three computers and switch
- Main rack in the 3.5m computers room. IV. Same as above, with plugs
- Coudé pit. I. Four steel plates
- Coudé pit. II. Fibre optics path
- Climatic rooms ceil. I. Before cleaning
- Climatic rooms ceil. I. Air pipe
- Climatic rooms ceil. I. REC 4 (Jens Helmling showing the fibre optics path)
- Coudé room technical area. I. Clean tent
- Coudé room technical area. II. Jens Helmling and Luis Hernández
- Coudé room technical area. III. Ethernet connections
- Coudé room technical area. IV. Fire extinguisher (dry powder; to be replaced by two carbon-dioxide ones)
- Climatic rooms interior. I. The other two steel plates (NIR)
- Climatic rooms interior. II. Moiré effect in the windows (VIS)
- Climatic rooms interior. III. "Please, come in"
- Climatic rooms interior. IV. "You shall not pass"
- Climatic rooms interior. V. ...unless you press the red button
- Machine room. I. From entrance
- Machine room. II. In/out temperatures and pressures inside each climatic room
- Machine room. III. Interlocks
- * Machine room. IV. More interlocks and a switch
- Machine room. V. The 750-litre deposit, top
- Machine room. VI. The 750-litre deposit, bottom
- Machine room. VII. East-room temperature controller
- Machine room. VIII. The two controllers
- Technical area oxygen sensor. I. Touchscreen
- Technical area oxygen sensor. II. Air intake
- * Technical area oxygen sensor. III. 21.1%
- Weather screen. I. Main parameters
- Weather screen. II. Seeing monitor
- Driving on snow. II. Down the mountain
- Miscellanea. ¿Dónde está Antonio?
05 Feb 2015: Visit of the CSIC vicepresidency to IAA and CARMENES lab
- * CSIC VICYT. From left to right: Ángel Caballero: Deputy vicepresident for knowledge transfer - Pedro J. Amado: CARMENES co-PI - Alicia Castro: Vicepresident of Science and Technology (CSIC member in the CAHA Executive Committee) - Javier Sánchez Herencia: Deputy vicepresident of scientific programme - José M. Vílchez: IAA director
01 Feb 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- February 2015 (pdf)
29 Jan 2015: ICS and pipeline computers and switch being mounted on the
CARMENES rack in the 3.5m building (shared with some PANIC computers at the
bottom)... Or is it a Dell commercial?
- * Front, closed
- Front, open
- Side
- Back, top
- Back, bottom (with power plugs)
20 Jan 2015: Job at Institut für Astrophysik Göttingen
20 Jan 2015: tricks to mount the Fibre Input Units
- Mounting instructions of the NIR FIU (video by Pablo Redondo)
01 Jan 2015: Christmas pictures by Eike W. Guenther at Calar Alto under excellent
weather conditions (seeing 0.54 arcsec in V)
- * "3p5 I" and "3p5 II": the Zeiss 3.5 m telescope
- "Panorama I" (the Observatory)
- "Panorama II" (Sierra Nevada)
- "Weather transparency" (the bluest sky)
- "Weather seeing" (0.54 arcsec in V!)
- "Nochebuena" (people prefers jamón serrano instead of chorizo)
01 Jan 2015: Avances del proyecto CARMENES in AstronomíA
(José A. Caballero)
- January 2015 (pdf)
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