Part III: NIR spectrographs

Telegraphic rationale. More NIR spectrographs: GIANO, NAHUAL, TARdYS, CSHELL/iSHELL, MINERVA-Red and HIRES • State-of-the-art technology, wavelength calibration, precise radial-velocity determination, future • Status, problems and solutions, potential synergies and collaborations

Schedule (Wednesday, 15 July).

Hour Title Contributor
14:00-14:05 Welcome and introduction to satellite meeting, Part III José A. Caballero
14:05-14:20 GIANO: a bifront infrared spectrometer highly optimized for high spectral resolution (TNG) Riccardo Claudi
(INAF Padova, Italy)
14:20-14:35 NAHUAL: a high-resolution near-infrared echelle spectrograph for large telescopes (10.4 m GTC) Carlos del Burgo
(INAOE, Mexico)
14:35-14:50 TARdYS: Tao Aiuc high Resolution (d) Y-band Spectrograph (6.5 m TAO) Leonardo Vanzi
(Pontificia UC, Chile)
14:50-15:10 CSHELL and iSHELL: cryogenic/ inmersion-grating high-resolution echelle spectrographs (IRTF) Peter Plavchan
(Missouri State, USA)
MINERVA-Red: NIR single-mode spectrometer (0.7 m Mt. Hopkins)
15:10-15:25 HIRES: High Resolution optical-infrared Spectrograph (E-ELT) Livia Origlia
(INAF Bologna, Italy)
15:25-15:40 NIR bulk spectrographs Christian Schwab
(Macquarie U, Australia)
15:40-15:55 NIR laser combs Scott Diddams
15:55-16:10 NIR Fabry-Pérot etalons Samuel Halverson
(PennState, USA)
16:10-16:30 Technology for NIR spectrographs: status, problems and solutions, synergies and future (open discussion) Convenors, contributors, all. Moderator: Suvrath Mahadevan

Contact for Part III.